PhD defence: Sander Schwenk-Nebbe
Big Data Finance
Oplysninger om arrangementet
Department of Economics and Business Economics, auditorium 2628-M2
Sander Schwenk-Nebbe will defend his PhD dissertation entitled Big Data Finance. He has been enrolled in the PhD programme in Economics and Business Economics, supervised by Professor Carsten Tanggaard and Associate Professor Jonas Nygaard Eriksen.
The dissertation can be downloaded from Sander Schwenk-Nebbe's profile prior to the defence.
The assessment committee:
- Associate Professor Bezirgen Veliyev, Aarhus BSS (chair)
- Professor Björn Hagströmer, Stockholm University
- Associate Professor J. Eduardo Vera-Valdés, Aalborg University
The defence is public and open to all. The department will host a reception after the defence in building 2632, L161/162.
Susanne Christensen
PhD Secretary