PhD defence: Mirza Ramic
The Search for Solution Alternatives: A multifaceted investigation of search behavior
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To complete the PhD study programme, Mirza Ramic presents his PhD dissertation, giving a public lecture followed by a defence.
Title of the dissertation: The Search for Solution Alternatives: A multifaceted investigation of search behavior
Theme for the defence: Aspirations and Incentives in Organizational Sea
Assessment committee:
- Associate professor Michael Andreas Zaggl, Aarhus University (chair)
- Professor MSO Stephen Billinger University of Southern Denmark
- Associate professor Dirk Martignoni, University of Lugano (USI), Italy
- Professor Erik Reimer Larsen, MGMT
- Associate Professor Carsten Bergenholtz, MGMT
After the defence, the department will host a reception in Mirza's honour. This will be held in room 2628-M212 (Valhalla).
Where to find the dissertation: The dissertation can be downloaded from Mirza's staff profile prior to the defence.
Everyone is welcome!