PhD defence: Maria Carolina Ferrales Lopez

Multiple Levels of Food Ethnocentrism: Social identity and food choices

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Fredag 16. februar 2024,  kl. 14:00 - 17:00


Institut for Virksomhedsledelse, Bygning 2624, Auditorium E2


Department of Management

To complete the PhD study programme, Maria Carolina Ferrales Lopez presents her PhD dissertation, giving a public lecture followed by a defence.

Title of the dissertation: Multiple Levels of Food Ethnocentrism: Social identity and food choices
Theme for the defence: Multilevel Food Ethnocentrism: Social identity and consumer food choice

Assessment committee

  • Associate Professor Marija Banovic – chair, MGMT
  • Professor Harri Luomala, University of Vaasa, Finland
  • Professor Wim Verbeke, Gent University, Belgium


  • Professor Klaus G. Grunert
  • Associate Professor Lars Esbjerg

After the defence, the department will host a reception in Maria Carolina's honour. This will be held in room 2628-M212 (Valhalla).

Where to find the dissertation: The dissertation can be downloaded from Maria Carolina Ferrale Lopez’s homepage prior to the defence.  

Everyone is welcome!