Polymeros Chrysochou


Professor, Professor

Primær tilknytning

Polymeros Chrysochou CV


  • Branding
  • Marketing communications
  • Package design
  • Food marketing




I am doing research in marketing communications and branding, and my interests are primarily centred on the domain of food consumption, food packaging, and technology adoption. My recent research examines sustainable practices within food consumption, with a particular emphasis on investigating the viability and implications of food packaging reuse for fostering environmentally conscious consumer choices.


I have instructed courses at various academic levels, including Strategic Brand Management, Marketing Management, Consumer Behavior, and International Marketing. At the PhD level, I am facilitating a course focusing on Experimental Design. Moreover, I have conducted executive courses covering research methods and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Over the years, I have amassed extensive experience in supervising PhD students and guiding thesis projects across different academic levels.


Presently (2023- today), I hold the position of adjunct researcher at the American College Greece at the Centre of Excellence in Food, Tourism, and Leisure. From 2012 to 2021, I served as an adjunct senior lecturer at the University of South Australia and the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science. My collaborative endeavors extend across numerous countries and continents, where I actively embrace an interdisciplinary approach in all my research collaborations.


I regularly provide consultancy services to companies and deliver public speeches within the domains of my research expertise. Additionally, I serve as a member on advisory boards for startup enterprises. Furthermore, I am actively engaged as a reviewer for teh European Research Executive Agency. Moreover, I frequently contribute to accreditation panels for educational programmes and research institutions, such as the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education.

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