International Mentor

Career in Denmark

Deadline overdue

International Mentor Programme

Career in Denmark

Looking for a mentor or would you like to be a mentor?

Now is your chance to apply for the International Mentor Programme – and get a great opportunity to be matched with a mentor/students during the spring semester 2024.

The overall aim with the international mentor programme is to provide international students at Aarhus BSS an opportunity to learn more about the Danish job market and work culture and hopefully provide a relevant and meaningful framework via a new professional relation and one-to-one/group mentoring. We hope this programme will pave the way for a better career path in Denmark after graduation. 

We invite Aarhus BSS alumni and our partner companies to be part of the mentor group. The students will exclusively consist of international students from Aarhus BSS (Herning and Aarhus). 

The programme will kick off on 21 February 2024 in Aarhus and will be concluded in June 2024.

What do you gain from participating in the programme

What do you gain from participating in the programme

1 mentor matched
with up to 3 students

Create and build new relations via a new career mentor programme. The intention with matching a mentor with 3 students is to provide a peer-to-peer environment, where students can support each other to engage and spare during the mentor programme.

Mentoring +
job shadow

Develop your personal and professional skills. Students also get insights into the Danish business community through individual/group mentoring and other career events.

Student profile:

Requirements for participating in the programme as a student

  • You are motivated to stay and work in Denmark after graduation

  • You are an international full-degree student enrolled at Aarhus BSS during the programme 

  • You are studying a Bachelor's degree (6th semester during Spring 2024) in either Aarhus or Herning 

  • You are studying a Master’s degree (2nd or 4th semester during Spring 2024) in either Aarhus or Herning 

  • You are motivated to engage in a student-mentor relation in collaboration with your peers 

The application deadline is 15 January 2024.

Mentor profile:

Requirements for participating in the programme as a mentor

  • You would like to pay it forward to current, international students at Aarhus BSS

  • You might be looking for international talent

  • You might be an alum from Aarhus BSS

  • You have some years of work experience

  • You have an international background and/or international work/living experience

  • You can join us in Aarhus for programme kick-off and 3-5 meetings - typically outside office hours

  • You can open your workplace for minimum 1 day of jobshadowing

The application deadline is 15 January 2024.

Timeline 2024

Timeline 2024

”The Danish university system is booming with talented international students who are potential great assets for the Danish labour market. I am sure that this programme can help them to get a good start on their working life and a future career in Danish companies." 

Dean at Aarhus BSS, Thomas Pallesen


Lene Birkegaard Pedersen

Project manager
Aarhus BSS Mentor Programme

Mobile: +45 93508299

Aarhus BSS Studies
Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University