PhD defence: Jannik Fenger

“In what ways are citizens’ political opinions influenced by specific facts, and how can we know based on observational studies?” is the topic for Jannik Fenger’s PhD defence.

Info about event


Friday 7 March 2025,  at 14:15 - 16:00


A1, building 1333, room 101

Jannik Fenger
Jannik Fenger Photo: Private

Jannik Fenger defends his PhD thesis entitled “When Facts Matter: How Diagnostic Information Enlightens Public Opinion in Real-World Politics”

The event is open to everyone!
After the defence, the Department of Political Science hosts a reception.

Time and venue:
07.03.2025 2:15-4:00 pm
A1, building 1333, room 101

Assessment committee:
Professor Sara Hobolt, London School of Economics and Political Science

Professor Jennifer L. Jerit, Dartmouth College 

Professor Rune Slothuus, Aarhus University (Chair).

Main supervisor: Associate Professor Martin Vinæs Larsen
Co-supervisor: Professor Lene Aarøe