Partner university agreements


  • Deakin University*
  • La Trobe University*
  • Macquarie University*
  • Monash University
  • Monash University*
  • Queensland University of Technology*
  • RMIT University
  • RMIT University*
  • The Australian National University*
  • The University of Melbourne*
  • The University of Sydney*
  • The University of Western Australia* 
  • University of Adelaide
  • University of New South Wales*
  • University of South Australia
  • University of Wollonggong*
  • University of Technology Sydney*
  • University of Tasmania
  • Western Sydney University*


  • FH Wien
  • Vienna University of Economics and Business
  • University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria


  • KU Leuven
  • Université Libre de Bruxelles - Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management
  • Ghent University


  • Insper São Paolo University


  • Brock University*
  • Concordia University*
  • Dalhousie University*
  • HEC Montréal
  • McMaster University
  • Queen’s University
  • Simon Fraser University*
  • Université Laval
  • University of Calgary, Haskayne School of Business,
  • University of Manitoba, Winnipeg*
  • University of New Brunswick
  • University of Ottawa, Telfer School of Management,
  • University of Ottawa*
  • University of the Fraser Valley*
  • University of Victoria, Peter B. Gustavson School of Business
  • University of Victoria*
  • University of Western Ontario*
  • Wilfrid Laurier University


  • China University of Political Science and Law
  • City University of Hong Kong
  • City University of Hong Kong*
  • Hong Kong Baptist University
  • Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
  • Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School
  • Renmin University of China
  • Fudan University*
  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • The Chinese University of Hong Kong*
  • University of Hong Kong
  • University of Hong Kong*
  • University of Nottingham, Ningbo*
  • Xiamen University

Czech Republic

  • Charles University, Prague Univerzita Karlova
  • University of Economics, Prague


  • The American University in Cairo*


  • TalTech University - Tallinn University of Technology
  • University of Tartu


  • Aalto University
  • Hanken - School of Economics
  • University of Helsinki
  • University of Turku


  • EM Lyon Business School
  • Grenoble School of Management
  • Business School INSEEC Paris
  • EDHEC Business School Lille-Nice
  • ESC Rennes School of Business
  • ESCP-EAP Paris School of Management ESCP EUROPE
  • ESSEC Business School
  • Jean Moulin University Lyon 3
  • Kedge Business School
  • Paris II
  • Sciences Po Bordeaux
  • Sciences Po Grenoble
  • Sciences Po Lille
  • Sciences Po Lyon
  • Sciences Po Paris
  • The University of Strasbourg
  • Toulouse Business School


  • Bielefeld University
  • Bundeswehr University Munich
  • Dresden University of Technology
  • Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
  • Heidelberg University
  • Humboldt University of Berlin
  • Leipzig Graduate School of Management
  • Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
  • University of Mannheim
  • University of Cologne
  • University of Göttingen
  • University of Hamburg
  • University of Konstanz
  • University of Potsdam
  • Technical University of Munich
  • Free University of Berlin


  • Athens University of Economics & Business


  • Pázmány Péter Catholic University
  • Corvinus Business School


  • Reykjavik University
  • University of Iceland


  • Management Development Institute Gurgaon


  • National University of Ireland, Galway
  • Technological University Dublin
  • University of Limerick


  • Tel Aviv University*
  • The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • The Hebrew University of Jerusalem*
  • University of Haifa*


  • Bocconi University
  • Ca' Foscari University of Venice
  • University Carlo Cattaneo
  • University Luiss Guido Carli
  • University of Bologna
  • University of Catania
  • University of Florence
  • University of Milan
  • University of Padua
  • University of Siena
  • University of Turin
  • University of Pisa*


  • Hitotsubashi University
  • Kobe University*
  • Rikkyo University
  • Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
  • Sophia University*
  • Waseda University*


  • KIMEP University


  • KDI School of Public Policy and Management
  • Korea University
  • Korea University*
  • Kyung Hee University
  • Seoul National University*
  • Sogang University
  • Sogang University*
  • Yonsei University*


  • Stockholm School of Economics in Riga
  • University of Latvia


  • Lebanese American University*
  • The American University of Beirut, Lebanon*


  • ISM University of Management and Economics
  • Vilnius University
  • Vytautas Magnus University


  • University of Nottingham, Malaysia*
  • University of Malaya*


  • ITESM, Monterrey Campus, Mexico
  • University of Monterrey


  • Delft University of Tecnology
  • Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam - ESE
  • Erasmus Universieit Rotterdam - RSM
  • Leiden University
  • Maastricht University
  • University of Utrecht*
  • University of Utrecht
  • University of Amsterdam
  • University of Groningen
  • VU Amsterdam

New Zealand

  • Auckland University of Technology
  • The University of Auckland
  • The University of Auckland*
  • University of Canterbury
  • University of Otago*
  • University of Otago


  • BI Norwegian Business School
  • Norwegian School of Economics
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • UiT The Arctic University of Norway
  • University of Bergen
  • University of Oslo


  • Universidad del Pacífico


  • Kozminski University
  • The Jagiellonian University
  • University of Warsaw
  • Warsaw School of Economics


  • NOVA University Lisbon
  • The Catholic University of Portugal - Lisboa
  • University of Porto School of Economics and Management


  • University of Belgrade


  • Nanyang Technological University
  • Nanyang Technological University*
  • National University of Singapore
  • Singapore Management University


  • University of Ljubljana


  • Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Carlos III University of Madrid
  • Comillas Pontificial University
  • Pompeu Fabra University
  • Public University of Navarra
  • University of Barcelona
  • University of Valencia


  • Karolinska Institute
  • Lund University
  • Lund University*
  • Mälardalen University
  • Stockholm University
  • Umeå University
  • Uppsala University
  • University of Gothenburg


  • University of Bern
  • University of Zurich


  • National Chengchi University*
  • National Taiwan University*


  • Chulalongkorn University
  • Thammasat University


  • Bogazici University
  • Koc University
  • Sabanci University


  • Aston University
  • Bath Spa University
  • Edinburgh Napier University
  • Glasgow Caledonian University
  • King's College*
  • Leeds Beckett University
  • Loughborough University
  • Newcastle University
  • The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen
  • Sheffield Hallam University
  • Swansea University
  • The University of Birmingham
  • The University of Greenwich
  • University of Aberdeen
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Durham
  • University of East Anglia, Norwich
  • University of Glasgow*
  • University of Glasgow
  • University of Hull
  • University of Leeds*
  • University of Liverpool*
  • University of Manchester*
  • University of Northumbria at Newcastle
  • University of Swansea
  • University of Nottingham
  • University of Reading
  • University of Strathclyde


  • Bloomsburg University
  • Boise State University*
  • Drexel University, Philadelphia*
  • Florida International University*
  • Georgia State University
  • Michigan State University*
  • Oregon State University
  • Purdue University
  • Roanoke College
  • Saint Louis University
  • San Francisco State University
  • South Texas College of Law Houston
  • State University of New York, Albany*
  • State University of New York, Buffalo State*
  • State University of New York, The College at Brockport*
  • The University of Alabama
  • The University of North Carolina Greensboro
  • University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill*
  • The University of Texas - Austin*
  • University of Arkansas
  • University of California - system*
  • University of California, Santa Cruz*
  • University of Florida
  • University of Massachusetts*
  • University of Mississippi*
  • University of Montana*
  • University of Oklahoma*
  • University of South Carolina*
  • University of Utah*
  • University of Vermont*
  • University of Washington*
  • University of Western Carolina
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison*


  • Australian European Network (AEN)
  • Bureau de cooperation interuniversitaire (BCI - formerly CREPUQ)
  • Mid America Universities International (MAUI)
  • Nordplus: Law and Political Sicence networks

* University wide agreement