
COBE Lab is moving

COBE Lab is moving to the University Park in December 2024.

After more than 10 years at Fuglesangs Allé, COBE Lab is moving to new facilities on Bartholins Allé 11. 

The move is planned to take place in December 2024. All studies and operations will continue in October and November at our current facilities, and we aim to disrupt research as little as possible.

For our researchers this means that if you are currently running a study at COBE Lab, you can continue to do so at Fuglesangs Allé until December. 

For our participants this means that if you have signed up to participate in a study in October or November, it will be at Fuglesangs Allé, unless stated otherwise in the study description.

The new facilities will resemble our current ones with minor changes. The lab management is currently planning the move. If you have any questions about how the move will affect your research, please contact the Lab Manager, Mette Hejberg Pedersen,

See you in the lab!

Dan and Mette, lab management