
Researcher Spotlight #12 - Marc Andersen

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Marc Andersen

1. Hi Marc, what is your background and job role at AU?

I'm Danish. I was born in Horsens and have lived and studied in Aarhus for the last 12 years. I have a background in the study of religion and psychology. 

I'm currently a PhD student at the Interacting Minds Centre and at the Department of the Study of Religion

2. What are your main areas of research? 

My main area of research is experiences in which humans perceive other living beings that are not really there. I explore these experiences using sensory deprivation, mobile eye tracking and virtual reality. I mostly collaborate with researchers from the Religion, Cognition and Culture research unit and affiliates of the Interacting Minds Centre.

3. Are you involved with any teaching at the moment?

No, this semester I am lucky to be able to devote myself entirely to finishing my thesis. In previous semesters, I have been teaching courses on experimental methods, psychology of religion, divination, and mysticism.

4. How did you hear about Cognition and Behavior Lab? 

I heard about the lab before it was even up and running, and I remember being very excited about Aarhus University getting its first eye tracker. 

5. Have you used the Lab? If so, what are the benefits for researchers? 

I have used the Lab many times, mostly for conducting eye tracking studies. I think the main benefits are the great rooms and equipment available. The Lab also has great software support and a setup that makes recruitment of participants really smooth. 

6. Is there a particular recommendation you would like to pass on to other researchers? Something you wish you had known before you started, or just a useful trick.

Cognition and Behavior Lab has its own participant pool, which often makes things a lot easier. However, researchers are not allowed to do research designs that involve deception of participants, which, for people with an interest in social psychology, can sometimes be a disappointment. I just want to remind other researchers that you can still do research designs that involve deception in the lab as long as you bring your own participants. 

7. Could you recommend one academic book to fellow colleagues that you think is of great interest?

'The Predictive Mind' by Jacob Hohw

8. Away from your research, what do you enjoy doing? 

Painting, procrastination and picking the banjo.

9. Finally, which Associated Researcher would you like to see under 'Spotlight' next time?

Riccardo Fusaroli.