
Researcher spotlight #35 Lisa Stickel

A short talk with Lisa about her research and interests.

Hi Lisa, what is your background and job role at AU?

My home country is very close to Denmark - it is Germany. There, I also studied my Bachelors in Business Administration and Economics, before continuing with my Masters of Marketing here at AU. Very exciting was also the half a year I studied in São Paulo, Brazil.

For the last year I have been a PhD student at the Department of Management. I am situated in the Marketing section and associated with the MAPP research centre. That means that I am researching consumer behaviour in the food sector.

What are your main areas of research?

Within the food marketing sector, I specialize on healthy snacking. That taps into classical consumer behaviour research, food research, and research on customer journeys. Besides, we will use implicit measures to capture consumers' unconscious reactions to healthy snacks. The research project is a collaboration with Arla, and involved are Klaus G Grunert, Liisa Lähteenmäki and Brandi S. Morris.

Are you involved with any teaching at the moment?

Social Media Marketing is my main teaching activity this year, where I am a tutor, but I was also involved in philosophy of science and strategy.

How did you hear about Cognition and Behavior Lab?

I first signed up when I was a student, but actually never ended up participating in an experiment. Now, I am there regularly to set up the studies and collect the data.

Have you used the Lab? If so, what are the benefits for researchers?

I am very happy about the good equipment that COBE lab offers to researchers. Also, the close assistance (and emotional support) of Lasse makes it easier to start off if you don't have prior knowledge with lab research. Specifically, we will use the Biopac system, the Aurora eye-tracker, the new Enobio EEG, and the iMotions software. Convenient is also the SONA participant pool!

Is there a particular recommendation you would like to pass on to other researchers? Something you wish you had known before you started, or just a useful trick.

I think the most important thing is to have the courage to ask around for help and recommendations.

Could you recommend one academic book to fellow colleagues that you think is of great interest?

I found the book "Predictably Irrational" by Dan Ariely very inspiring. In contrast to many other books, this one tends to look behind the scenes, and lets us think along issues that would never make it into an article.

Away from your research, what do you enjoy doing?

Aarhus offers some really nice spots to take walks or runs, such as the beaches and forests. Also the Brabrand lake is one of my first choices when the weather is good. Apart from that, we organize a lot of events among the PhDs at Mgmt, and I also regularly visit my family and friends in Germany.