
Aarhus University launches an Institutional Review Board

Researchers can now get formal ethics approval for their projects involving human research participants.

Aarhus University has launched Forskningsetisk komité, an interdisciplinary committee functioning as an Institutional Review Board (IRB). This means there is now a solution for researchers in need of formal ethics approval for research projects that involve collecting data from human participants. Before, researchers have struggled to meet requirements for EU grants and research journals that required ethical review and approval, which meant that COBE Lab's Human Subjects Committee was sometimes contacted and asked to offer approval to projects outside the Lab. With the new IRB in place, this will no longer be necessary. However, it remains a requirement that researchers who want to run studies in COBE Lab must obtain ethics approval from the HSC. 

The committee's next meeting dates are 21 March and 16 May. Researchers are recommended to send their approval applications well in advance.

Follow this link for more information.