Aarhus BSS researcher to examine coronavirus lockdown
Emeritus Professor Jørgen Grønnegård Christensen has been asked to lead an expert group, which is to examine the lockdown of Denmark caused by the coronavirus crisis.

The Danish Parliament has asked a group of experts to examine the coronavirus lockdown. The work will be led by Jørgen Grønnegård Christensen, emeritus professor of political science at Aarhus BSS. The purpose of the investigation is to learn from the crisis management and the decisions of the Danish Parliament and government in connection with the coronavirus crisis. This will make Denmark better equipped in case of a new pandemic.
More specifically, the expert group is to examine the emergency preparedness of the healthcare sector as well as the decisions that led to the lockdown of Denmark. The group will examine the period from January 2020 to May 2020.
The composition of the expert group is not yet into place, but Grønnegaard will help select the rest of the group members among experts within the fields of law, economics, social sciences and health sciences.
The expert group must deliver its final report in January 2021.