This year’s Aarhus BSS awards

As always, Aarhus BSS presented a number of awards at the school’s annual Summer Festival. Get an overview of the award winners here.

[Translate to English:] Årets prismodtagere på Aarhus BSS. F.v. ses Anne Bøllingtoft, Mads Elbæk Sørensen, Thomas Pallesen (dekan Aarhus BSS), Helene Helboe Pedersen og Barbara Bertelsen. Foto: Anders Trærup.

Alum of the Year

Alum of the year Barbara Bertelsen graduated from the Department of Law in 1998. She is known for her passion for law, her strong work ethics and outstanding leadership skills. These traits have proven extremely useful to Barbara Bertelsen during her two years as permanent secretary in the Ministry of Justice. Read more

Researcher of the Year 

Associate Professor in Political Science Helene Helboe Pedersen wins this year’s research award for her extensive research within political representation and for her valuable contribution to Aarhus BSS as a lecturer and communicator. Read more.

Lecturer of the Year

This year’s Lecturer of the Year award goes to the dedicated and acclaimed lecturer Anne Bøllingtoft. For a number of years, she has been a driving force in developing and fine-tuning the teaching in the course Organisational Behaviour, and colleagues and students describe her as a extremely attentive and energetic lecturer who takes a strong interest in her students’ learning. Read more.

Administrative Employee of the Year

A extraordinarily high level of service, an outstanding ability to create good relations and always with a smile on his face.  These are just some of the words used to describe Mads Elbæk Sørensen from Aarhus BSS IT-support who is this year’s Administrative Employee of the Year. Read more