The Rockwool Foundation grants DKK 5.6 million to research in ageing and pensions

Professor of Economics Torben M. Andersen at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University has received a grant of DKK 5,619,013 from the Rockwool Foundation for a project entitled “Ageing and Pensions”.

[Translate to English:] Professor of Economics Torben M. Andersen

Societies are undergoing large demographic changes driven by low fertility rates and increasing longevity. Consequently, the age composition of the population is changing with potential large effects on society. This happens against the background of several other trends, including globalization, migration, new technologies, urbanisation, health advances, and changing family structures. 

The project has the twofold purpose of taking a broad perspective on the implications of an ageing population to understand the consequences and to identify possible needs for action, and to take a deep dive into how pension and welfare systems determine the material living conditions and retirement options for elderly people, and the behavioural responses to be expected.

“We appreciate this grant and the possibilities it gives for research on the implications of ageing both for society generally and the pension system specifically,” says Torben M. Andersen.

The project is carried out in cooperation with the Rockwool Foundation Research Unit and is led by Head of Research at The Rockwool Foundation Research Unit Jan Rose Skaksen and Professor of Economics Torben M. Andersen. Associate Professor Mette Trier Damgaard and Assistant Professor Jonas Maibom from the Department of Economics and Business Economics are also part of the project.

The project is part of a large project which has received DKK 12,849,000 in total from the Rockwool Foundation.