Europe aiming to win global race for quantum talent

20 universities from ten European countries will revolutionise education and training in quantum technologies in Europe with 16 brand new specialised Master’s degree programmes. Researchers from Aarhus University in Denmark coordinates the project.

The potential market value of quantum computing alone is estimated at USD 1.000 billion in 2040 (BCG Report, 2021) and is expected to create ten million new jobs worldwide. Photo: Colourbox

“Preparing the workforce and talent for the future quantum technologies is crucial if European business wants to play a leading part on the international markets in the years to come. Competition will get increasingly tough, and if you don't prepare now, it will be too late to catch up later,” says Professor Jacob Sherson of Aarhus University, Denmark. 

With the DigiQ educational innovations in the quantum domain, we not only create a quantum-ready workforce but also develop methods that can inform the much needed upcoming transformations in other advanced digital areas such as AI, data science and robotics.

Jacob Sherson, professor at Department of Management, Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University

He is coordinating DigiQ (Digitally Enhanced Quantum Technology Master), the primary workforce development project of the Quantum Flagship. It is funded by a Euro 17.6 million grant over four years through the European Commission’s Digital Europe Programme

“With the DigiQ educational innovations in the quantum domain, we not only create a quantum-ready workforce but also develop methods that can inform the much needed upcoming transformations in other advanced digital areas such as AI, data science and robotics,” Professor Sherson says.

Participating students will benefit from access to remote experiments and world-class quantum facilities, a wide array of specialist courses taught both on-site and in hybrid formats, 2 Million Euros of travel grants, and a direct route to employment through research and industry internships in over 100 European companies and labs. At the same time, innovative teaching resources developed in the project will be made available for free for the whole of Europe, accelerating development of new programmes over the next four years. Finally, participating students will become part of year-long specialised international networks consisting of leading researchers and industry partners, providing the programme with a social structure and an all-important web of contacts for future careers.  

Researchers in Professor Sherson’s group in the Department of Management are already co-leading the Quantum Flagship coordination efforts for workforce development and spearheading business school research on optimal strategies to steer and support the Quantum Industry growth. The potential market value of quantum computing alone is estimated at USD 1.000 billion in 2040 (BCG Report, 2021) and is expected to create ten million new jobs worldwide. 

Over 2021-2027, the Digital Europe Programme will enhance businesses, citizens and public services with new and emerging digital technologies. These include areas such as high-performance computing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, robotics and quantum technologies. Quantum Technologies are recognised as an essential part of the ecosystem of emerging digital technologies, in which Europe intends to become a leading global power.  

Read also: AU researchers to prevent quantum computer bubble 



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External collaborators Aarhus University, ICFO – The Institute of Photonic Sciences, ICN2: Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Czech Technical University of Prague, Copenhagen University, Heidelberg University, Science Melting Pot, University of Paris-Saclay, École Normale Supérieure of Paris, University of Barcelona, University of Pisa, RWTH Aachen University, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, University of Strasbourg, University of Helsinki, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Technische Universität München, Quarks Interactive, University of Technology of Troyes, Sorbonne University, Portuguese Quantum Institute, Deloitte Portugal, Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Denmark. 
External funding EU Digital Europe Programme .  
Conflicts of interest None
Contact information

Professor Jacob Sherson

Department of Management, Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University  


Phone: +45 28775765