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My career journey: Petar Petrov

Interview with Aarhus BSS graduate Petar Petrov

Petar Petrov from Bulgaria decided to move to Copenhagen after graduating from Aarhus BSS with an MSc in Strategy, Organisation and Leadership in 2020. It took patience to land his first job – but it was worth the wait.

Today, working inbusiness intelligence and data management, Petar still draws on the skills and experience he acquired while studying at Aarhus BSS.


Studies at Aarhus BSS and Denmark

Why did you come to Denmark to study?

After graduating high school, I wanted to continue my education in a renowned university, broaden my horizon in an international-friendly environment, and last but not least, graduate debt-free. Aarhus University had the perfect balance between vibrant university life and opportunities to work next to my studies in order to be self-sufficient.


How did you experience your time at Aarhus BSS?

Aarhus is a vibrant and highly international student city. To me, Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University is everything a campus should be. It has an awesome and futuristic library at the heart of the university park. You can enter the school 24/7, and it’s much more than just an educational institution. It’s a place to hang out. As a student, I had the chance to be flexible, independent, and structure my own time to keep a healthy study-life balance.

I attended free Danish classes twice a week for a year during my bachelor studies. Even though I did not learn to speak freely, it was very helpful to understand the culture and socialize with classmates.


How did you prepare for your career during your studies?

I regularly attended various campus events such as the annual Aarhus Symposium, case competitions, as well as being a member of the Finance and Consulting Club Aarhus (FACCA).

I also had the chance to find a study-relevant job in Siemens Wind Power (now Siemens Gamesa) early in my bachelor studies, working there until I graduated from my master’s degree. Being able to supplement theory with practice, helped me develop my natural drive and interest in organisational studies.


Career and first job

How did you get your first job after graduating from Aarhus BSS?

After graduating in September 2020, I had already decided to move to Copenhagen and start a new chapter in my professional life. Moving again was not easy but exciting. Copenhagen is a big city with a lot of opportunities for English-speaking internationals but also a lot of competition and high cost of life. It took me 4 months, 52 applications, and a lot of patience to land my first job after graduating. Nevertheless, it was worth it. I work in a global company as part of one of the largest digital transformations in the logistics industry. I also had the chance to find a position where I can combine and apply concepts and learnings both from my master thesis, electives, and previous student job.

Moving to Copenhagen was a completely new start for me. Most of the people I knew during my studies either stayed in Aarhus or moved to another country.

It took me 4 months, 52 applications, and a lot of patience to land my first job after graduating. Nevertheless, it was worth it.


What skills from your study programme do you use in your current job?

I use different skills I learned as a student. Systems thinking and the ability to understand abstract concepts and apply them in practice to solve complex cross-functional problems. Also, the ability to learn fast and ask the right questions to the right people.


What surprised you the most, working full-time in Denmark?

I was surprised to see how the ability to apply critical thinking, raising your voice to ask genuine questions, and providing constructive feedback – are very highly encouraged and praised from management at all organisational levels. If you don’t ask, it means that you don’t understand (or you don’t want to).


Being an international in Denmark

Tips and advice to international graduates?

Be patient and try to find a job that inspires you and develops your talents. Don’t underestimate your capabilities and the value you can provide to organisations. Denmark is a place that allows ambitious students who know what they want to land a first job that is a good fit for them. Enjoy the ride.