Maria Celeste Fasano


Assistant Professor

Primary affiliation

Maria Celeste Fasano

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As a licensed Clinical Psychologist specialized in Family and Systemic Therapy, with a PhD in Neuroscience and a Master's degree in Opera Singing, I am passionate about exploring the rich intersections between psychology and music. My research interests span various domains, including neuropsychology, developmental psychology, work and organizational psychology, and clinical psychology. I am particularly focused on how music influences children's behavior and neural activity, as well as how it supports mental health in young people and adults experiencing depression or burnout.

Special Interests:

  • Experimental psychology and neuropsychology techniques applied across developmental, clinical, and organizational psychology
  • The impact of music on neural activity and behavior in children
  • Music's role in reducing burnout and improving workplace well-being
  • The therapeutic effects of music on mental health, particularly in depression

Selected publications

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