Katrin Heimann


Assistant Professor, PhD

Primary affiliation

Katrin Heimann CV

Areas of expertise

  • Art-Science-Collaboration
  • Inclusive spaces and teaching
  • Embodied Critical Thinking
  • Qualitative research
  • Micro-phenomenology

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


I am an interdisciplinary scholar with a training both in Philosophy and Cognitive Neuroscience. As a researcher I am working empirically, with  experience both in quantitative and qualitative approaches and a specialization in the micro-phenomenological method. I have worked extensively in the field of the arts, exploring and co-creating audience-experiences as well as artistic processes within the framework of  several art-science collaborations. My deep passion for teaching has finally led me to move to the field of higher education research and training where I am co-designing and studying inclusive transformative learning spaces .


Currently, my research attends to the topic of inclusion in learning and working environments with a focus on higher education. I am interested in investigating what fosters and hinders the sense of belonging and thriving of students, teachers and researchersand which tools and approaches help to create spaces that allow for sustainable being and change also in times of trouble. I work mainly empirically and am specialized in the qualitative interview and analysis method of micro-phenomenology that I have been employing both in multi-method setups and as a standalone tool  in the lab and in the field to explore subjective lived experience. Theoretically I am inspired by the field of transformative and feminist pedagogy, creativity studies, gender, queer, decolonial and disability studies as well as positive feminism. 

Teaching activities

In my current employment, I am teaching within the University Pedagogical Program with a focus on small class teaching (https://ced.au.dk/en/courses/university-pedagogical-programme).

I am furthermore teaching in and responsible for the TECTU Education program open for AU´s MA and PhD students see here: https://www.trainingect.com/

Previously, I have been acting as teacher as well as supervisor in the study programs of Cognitive Sciences, Cognitive Semiotics, Linguistics and Anthropology on BA, MA and PhD level covering contents reaching from Experimental Design and Qualitative Methods to Cognitive Aesthetics. 






Due to my rare specialization in micro-phenomenology I am collaborator, consultant or advisor in a number of research projects related to higher education research, creativity research and audience research as well as a number of other fields (such as contemplative studies and clinical studies). I am passionate about inter- and transdisciplinary research, collaboration and design particularly if related to (more than climate related) sustainable transformation of individuum and society. 

Job responsibilities

I am teaching within the University Pedagogical Programm with a special focus on small class teaching. Furthermore, as both part of my teaching and research activities ,I will be supporting the center by studying and developing resources, knowledge and tools specifically for inclusive classrooms and teaching. 

Selected publications

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