Thanks for a great party - we would like to see even more of you

Message from Dean Thomas Pallesen: First of all, I would like to thank all of the Aarhus BSS alumni who took part in our summer festival last month. I was delighted to see so many of you. The reason we chose to invite alumni to a summer festival in the University Park this year was to underline the fact that we would like to have a closer relation with our alumni. You are important to us and our students in many ways.

[Translate to English:] Thomas Pallesen, dekan. Foto: AU Foto

You are important to us - those of you who make a big difference by taking part in our mentor programme, our body of external co-examiners and our employer panels. Those of you who continuously help us evaluate whether we are offering the right degree programmes, and whether our graduates possess the necessary competences. And those of you who take good care of our interns - and last but not least the ones who employ our graduates. In many ways, we really appreciate our collaboration.

We also hope that we can offer you something in return - more specifically, knowledge throughout life. We also hope you gain from our events on current topics, but also through our many offers within research-based further and continuing education that allow you to acquire new competences throughout your career.

Increased focus on research

Research and research-based degree programmes are and will always be the foundation of Aarhus BSS. For this reason, we are now strengthening the business field and aim to give the research environment a boost through new recruitment efforts. At the same time, we are strengthening our activities related to new and existing research and degree programmes that connect business with social sciences. In example, activities are strengthened by offering a BSc in business administration and commercial law, but also by currently developing a degree programme which combines business and psychology.

The Aarhus BSS pillars

What makes Aarhus BSS special is that we rest on two pillars - strong core academic fields and close interdisciplinary collaborations. We believe in the idea of having a business school at a university and that it is a great advantage that the business field is just as research based as the other parts of the university. We believe that ultimately this ensures the best degree programmes and the best graduates - for the benefit of the graduates themselves, you as employers and the Danish society as a whole.

I hope to see much more of you in the future. And if any of your old classmates are still not part of the alumni network at Aarhus BSS, please encourage them to join!

Best - and see you at Aarhus BSS

Thomas Pallesen, Dean