Executive Reception

HEALTHCARE IT: CHALLENGES AND STRATEGIES FOR ADOPTION. Friday May 9 at 16:00-19:00. Join us for an inspiring afternoon with special guests Wendy L. Currie from Audencia, School of Management, Nantes, France and Lars Frelle-Petersen, the Director General at the Danish Agency for Digitisation.

The reception offers rich opportunity to discuss the topic with the guest speakers, researchers from Aarhus BSS and not least with the other IT professionals taking part in this event.


Institutionalization of Health Information Technology: A Cross-National Study of European Health Systems

Wendy L. Currie, Professor, Audencia, School of Management, Nantes, France.

Wendy L. Currie

The Member States of the European Union are all pursuing government and institutional policies to promote health information technology to improve health service delivery. New technologies in the form of Electronic Health Records (EHRs), Telemedicine, and mobile or mHealth are expected to transition healthcare from a system which traditionally sees the patient as a passive recipient of health services, to one which is consumer-driven. This presentation discusses the findings from a research study on health IT across the EU28. Findings suggest that existing institutional conditions are constantly under threat from new policy and strategic change at the societal, organizational and agency levels. However, across different countries, similar institutional effects and processes suggest that achieving political and organizational change is both challenging and likely to have unintended consequences. Policy-makers therefore need to understand the complex stakeholder landscape within healthcare, as government-led policies to impose institutional ‘shocks’ and ‘disruption’ on health organizations and agents is invariably met with entrenched opposition as professional and managerial interests are threatened.

Wendy L. Currie is Professor of Information Systems at Audencia, School of Management, Nantes, France. She is founding editor-in-chief of Health Policy and Technology, published by Elsevier and owned by the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine. She is currently developing a new MSc in the Management of Digital Business and IT at Audencia, having previously set up the MSc in IS and Management at the University of Warwick, UK, where she was head of department. She combines research, consultancy and charity work. She has worked on several academic research projects funded by Microsoft and a coalition of partners on eHealth, cloud computing and mobile health. Her work is published in leading academic journals. She is a Trustee for two London-based medical charities.


Governance and Implementation of e-Health in Denmark

Lars Frelle-Petersen, Director General at the Danish Agency for Digitisation

Lars Frelle-PetersenThe Danish government works on disseminating technological solutions for the healthcare sector and establishing an e-health infrastructure. Work on e-health in Denmark is carried out in cooperation between the relevant sectors and authorities, e.g. the government, the health regions and the municipalities that share the responsibility for providing coherent and quality health care across sectors. The presentation will focus on how e-health is negotiated at the national level and how transparency and progress is monitored in order to ensure benefit realization of common infrastructure. Meet Lars Frelle-Petersen who will share his yearlong experience in working with national e-health.

Lars Frelle-Petersen is the Director General at the Danish Agency for Digitisation (Ministry of Finance). The Agency for Digitisation was established in 2011 to speed up the digitisation processes required to modernise the Danish welfare society. The Agency is responsible for the Danish eGovernment strategy and responsible for the implementation of the government's digital ambitions in the public sector.

For the past 12 years, Mr. Frelle-Petersen has worked in the field of public sector digitisation; and he has been responsible for a number of large scale initiatives with regard to digitisation and public sector efficiency.  Mr. Frelle-Petersen has also been Deputy Director-General at the Agency for Governmental Management (Ministry of Finance) and Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Finance.  Mr. Frelle-Petersen is a Master of Science in Public Administration.

Aarhus BSS 
Fuglesangs Allé 4
8210 Aarhus V
Building 2610, Room S515

You are welcome to bring a colleague, but seating is limited to 30 guests for this event. Therefore, please notice that registration is needed no later than Wednesday May 7.