Another 17 million for Aarhus BSS researchers from IRFD

Associate Professor of Management Alice Grønhøj from Aarhus BSS has received 2.9 million to investigate sustainable food habits. In addition projects with participation from researchers from Department of Economics and Business Economics have received almost DKK 14 million from IRFD's special pool for research on development of the economic principles.

[Translate to English:] Lektor i virksomhedsledelse Alice Grønhøj
[Translate to English:] Adjunkt i økonomi Mikkel Mulvad Bennedsen
[Translate to English:] Lektor i økonomi John Kennes
[Translate to English:] Professor i økonomi Torben M. Andersen
[Translate to English:] Professor i økonomi Michael Svarer
[Translate to English:] Adjunkt i økonomi Jonas Maibom

Associate Professor of Management Alice Grønhøj has received a DKK 2.9 million grant from Independent Research Fund Denmark for her project ”Meet the family: A family and transition stage approach to sustainable food consumption”. The grant is from a special pool for research on green transition. Alice Grønhøj will investigate how teenagers and young people may act as catalysts for more sustainable food patterns.  

As much as DKK 13,808,901 are recently granted projects with the participation of researchers from The Department of Economics and Business Economics. The grants are from Independent Research Fund Denmark’s special pool for research on development of the economic principles. The grant recipients are: 

Assistant Professor of Economics Mikkel Bennedsen has received DKK 2,877,410 to make statistical analysis of climate data and climate models. The purpose of his research project is to shed light on the uncertainty of the climate models and the implications hereof for our understanding of the future of the climate. His projects is entitled “Statistical analysis of climate data and climate models”. 

Associate Professor in Economics John Kennes has received DKK 2,877,659 for his research in more efficient daycare assignment systems. His project is entitled ”Welfare and efficient daycare assignment”.

Professors of Economics Torben M. Andersen and Michael Svarer and Assistant Professor Jonas Maibom take part in a large interdisciplinary research project with the goal of estimating the return on education. The project has received a DKK 8,053,832 grant and is led by Paul Bingley from VIVE. Researchers from Copenhagen University and the DREAMgroup are also part of the project. The project is entitled “Dynamic Effects of Education on Productivity and Labor Supply”.    


Please note that the amounts granted might be subject to budget adjustments.