Honorary doctorate 2021: Professor Patricia Bauer (Aarhus BSS)

Patricia Bauer (b.1957) is a professor of psychology at Emory University in the United States and Honorary doctorate 2021 at Aarhus BSS.

Bauer has made an outstanding contribution to the field of cognitive development. Her specific focus is on how infants and children develop their earliest memories, particularly on understanding the links between social, cognitive and neurological development.

Bauer’s work on early childhood memory has been published in leading psychology journals and is widely cited. She uses various methods to carry out her research, including eye-tracking and electrophysiological measures. She developed one of the most widely used and accurate methods of studying infants’ memories of early life events, and her research has revealed that children quickly forget the events of the first years of their lives.

Bauer’s connection to Aarhus University was established many years ago, and she works closely with researchers at the Center on Autobiographical Memory Research - CON AMORE under the Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences.

See Professor Patricia Bauer’s website