
Temporary restriction on mass emails

For the moment, only lab management will be able to send mass email invitations to eligible participants in Sona

In order to limit the amount of emails being sent to users in our recruitment system, Sona, researchers are no longer able to send mass email invites to eligible participants. As is outlined in our Sona manual, researchers should always request approval from lab management before sending mass email invites. Limiting the ability of researchers to contact users directly is a solution to a situation in which too many unapproved mass emails were sent to Sona users. Any researchers who are struggling to fill the timeslots for their studies are very welcome to contact lab management for help, and we can find a solution together. Lab management retains the ability to send mass emails in Sona, and can do so on behalf of researchers if that is what is decided. But we also have other options for advertising the study, in particular through social media.  

This change is expected to be temporary.