Wellness in the food sector

To many people, healthy eating sounds like it has to do with nutrient tables, boring food and holier-than-thou attitudes. But it is much more than that (video and images).

In recent years, we have seen a development where good food not only means that the food must taste good - the consumer also has to feel like he/she is doing something good for themselves.

Watch the video and listen in as Professor and Centre Director Klaus G. Grunert from the MAPP Centre, Sensory & Consumer Scientist Maria Kümpel Nørgaard, Arla Innovation Centre, Marketing & Innovation and Senior Consultant Mette Peetz-Schou, the Confederation of Danish Industry talk about food wellness.

Researchers and practitioners from the food sector discussed the marketing of wellness in the food sector at the MAPP Conference on 1 December 2016. Here they poured out their knowledge and answered challenging questions from the audience. You can see photos from the conference here